
Time for Germany to Show its New Character

July 13, 2010


Interesting piece in this week’s Los Angeles Times about Germany’s trade relationship with Iran.

According to this article, Germany’s industrialists and politicians “regularly advocate business with the...

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America and Israel Must Stand Strong – American Christians, Thanks for Having Our Back

June 16, 2010


Just spoke with a Christian friend from Florida. While discussing current news, the conversation turned to Israel, and my friend said something to the effect that, “If the U.S. turns its back on Israel, this country’s best days...

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Saudi Air Space to be Cleared for Israeli Preemptive Strike?

June 14, 2010

Over the weekend the Times of London reported that unnamed Saudi government officials have indicated Saudi Arabia has taken measures to enable Israel to use Saudi airspace for a preemptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities....

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Update: Sarah Palin Gets it on Helen Thomas’s Ignorance

June 7, 2010

Thank you, Sarah Palin, for your common sense response to the ignorant, bigoted rantings of “elite” veteran journalist Helen Thomas.

If Thomas’s “perspective” is that of the intelligentsia,...

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Helen Thomas, Veteran White House Correspondent, the Face of the new Anti-Semitism

June 6, 2010

Years ago, my friend Louis Marano, himself a veteran UPI editor and reporter, explained to me that anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. (The very epitome of a stand-up guy, Lou is a Christian who has a background in Jewish history and,...

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Update on the Flotilla Circus, it Seems Some Were al Qaeda

June 4, 2010

Surprise surprise, now that Israel has screened the supplies the flotilla people were supposedly trying to bring into Gaza, Hamas won’t let them in with the supplies. Touching, isn’t it, these Palestinian “leaders'”...

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War and “Peace” — Gaza Style

June 2, 2010

My latest piece, in today’s Washington Examiner, unpacks the Gaza flotilla incident. In it, I quote Ephraim Sneh, Israel’s former deputy defense minister, who when I interviewed him last week in Herzliya told me, “In the...

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Democracy Delayed

April 27, 2010

From The American Spectator


Last week, following its review of documents charging fraud in Iraq’s March 7 elections, an Iraqi court ordered a recount of votes in Baghdad.

Iraqi Parliamentarian Mithal al-Alusi, who ran on a platform of Iraqi relations with Israel...

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Jonthan Tobin on Today’s NY Times: Obama Has Shifted U.S. Policy Against Israel

April 26, 2010

Jonathan Tobin aptly characterizes, in this piece, the increasingly alarming situation currently facing Israel. He does a good job of outlining the basic reality and President Obama’s fallacious assumptions about it, as well as the...

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Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen Sparks Campaign for UNRWA Reform

April 23, 2010


Below is a letter issued this week by Florida Congresswoman ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, who is taking on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA, a U.N. agency with a mandate to care for Palestinians, has received $3.6 billion in...

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