
Wikileaks Exposes Reality That Gulf States Fear Iran, Not Israel

November 29, 2010

Is anyone actually surprised by anything released by Wikileaks? Apparently, one of the site’s revelations is that leaders and diplomats from Gulf Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have approached the U.S. and asked ...

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Dershowitz Vs. Horton on Lawfare: Real Threat or Illusion?

November 6, 2010


Rhetorical sparks flew in Manhattan Friday as Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter professor of law at Harvard University, and Scott Horton, contributing editor of Harper’s magazine, sparred on the subject of Lawfare, or the...

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Jewish Voters, Do Not Let President Obama and the Dems Take You for Granted

November 1, 2010

With 78 percent of Jewish voters going for President Obama in the 2008 election despite his tendency to trivialize Jewish-Americans’ concerns about Israel’s security, is it any mystery that during the past two years,...

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Ex-Iraqi MP urges U.S. to Form Moderate Arab-Israeli Alliance

October 27, 2010

From The Jerusalem Post



Partnership based on economic interest could give US greater leverage against Iran, says Mithal al-Alusi, whose sons were murdered after he came to Israel in ’04.

Oil and water don’t usually mix. But one native son of the Middle East has...

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How U.S. Tax Dollars Enable Ahmadinejad to Practice Press Censorship at the U.N.

September 27, 2010


The brilliant and intrepid Claudia Rosett, the investigative journalist who exposed the oil for food scandal, has a sharp blog post about a shocking incident that took place at the U.N. last week when Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, kicked out...

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Another Autumn, Another Pretend Peace

August 24, 2010


The first hint of fall is in the air, and with it, the predictable announcement: mideast peace talks will begin.

In a demonstration of familiar American hubris, President Barack Obama has declared his intention to make peace in the region...

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Bolton Says Israel Has one Week to Attack; Real Assessment or Message to Russia?

August 17, 2010


Today former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told FOX News that Israel has until the weekend to launch a military strike on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant – or else the humanitarian risk of an attack becomes too...

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E.U. Takes a Step Away from Appeasement

August 2, 2010

Last Monday the European Union passed its toughest set of sanctions yet against the Iranian regime. My understanding is that finally, after many years of talk and attempts to “engage” with Iranian leadership, European leaders...

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Germany Must Change for EU Sanctions on Iran to Have Bite

July 26, 2010

From Los Angeles Times


As EU foreign ministers meet, Iran’s second-largest trading partner, Germany, has a responsibility — and leverage. It should lead, as an issue of conscience, in making sure new sanctions have teeth.

Foreign ministers of European...

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Christians Unite for Israel

July 25, 2010


Four thousand delegates from across the country have just wrapped up the annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) conference in Washington D.C.

No doubt some Jewish-Americans and others who generally support Israel would not gravitate...

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