
Harvard GOP-er who stood up to Barney Frank scraps — and sings — at Chicago’s Tax Day Tea Party

April 17, 2010

From Jewish World Review



llinois Republican Congressional candidate Joel Pollak showed up at Chicago’s tax day tea party in Daley Plaza and attacked the idea that the tea party movement is motivated by prejudice.

In his speech, Pollak said, “I’ve been...

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Netanyahu on Holocaust Remembrance Day: Fight Evil

April 12, 2010


Last Sunday in his speech on Yom Hashoa, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the point that he believes the lessons of the Holocaust are three: “fortify your strength, teach good...

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Ahmadinejad Races Toward Nuclear Capability; Alusi Postulates “D.C. is Coming Closer to Iran”

April 9, 2010

Looks like even the U.S. State Department is saying that clearly, Iran’s nuclear enrichment effort is weapons related. At a recent event in Tehran, Ahmadinejad showcased what he said was a new generation of domestically-built...

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General Petraeus DID NOT Betray Us

March 25, 2010


Remember the scene from Woody Allen’s film “Annie Hall” in which a pompous know-it-all is pontificating in a movie line about the ideas of media scholar Marshall McLuhan? After enduring the man’s maundering for several...

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Hillary at AIPAC today: Continued Chastising Israel for “Settlement” Building; Maintained U.S. Will Not Compromise Commitment to Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons

March 22, 2010

Hillary Clinton received a warm welcome and standing ovations this morning from nearly 7500 AIPAC delegates–or citizen lobbyists–from across the U.S. as she delivered a highly anticipated speech that heavily addressed last week’s...

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Bibi and Hillary Go To Washington: a Report from the AIPAC Policy Conference in D.C.

March 21, 2010

I’m writing from the AIPAC Policy conference, the main yearly conference of the largest lobbying organization supporting the U.S./Israel alliance, where tomorrow evening’s speaker will be Israeli Prime Minister...

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Iraqi Liberal Warns of a Fixed Election

March 18, 2010

From The New York Post



In a phone interview from Baghdad yester day, an Iraqi member of parliament said he believes he and other liberals are being shortchanged votes by an Iraqi Electoral Commission that has been corrupted by Iran.

“The citizens of Iraq went to...

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Biden’s Embarrassment and Hillary’s Rage: Part of a Staged Effort to Push Israel Away?

March 18, 2010

Is it just me, or does anyone else think last week’s drama surrounding Vice President Joe Biden’s supposed “embarrassment” and Hillary Clinton’s rage over an Israeli decision to build 1600 apartments in East...

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Lawfare Conference Takes Aim at Terrorists’ Efforts to Wage “Legal Jihad”

March 16, 2010


Last Thursday The Lawfare Project, a non-profit founded by attorney Brooke Goldstein (pictured above) to confront “lawfare” –  which Goldstein defined in her opening remarks as “the use of the law as a weapon of war” —...

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As IAEA Acknowledges More ‘Undisclosed Activities’ in Iran re: Nukes, Alusi Seems to Have Been Prescient

February 19, 2010


Today it was reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) acknowledges “the existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.”...

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