Iraqi Leader After Yesterday’s Election: “We are the Beginning of True Democracy in the Middle East”
March 8, 2010
Millions of voters braved the threat of bombs and bullets to participate in yesterday’s Parliamentary elections in Iraq. As usual, the terrorists tried to intimidate voters but again as usual, the sorry few cowards could not intimidate the...
As IAEA Acknowledges More ‘Undisclosed Activities’ in Iran re: Nukes, Alusi Seems to Have Been Prescient
February 19, 2010
Today it was reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) acknowledges “the existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.”...
Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren Shouted Down at UC Irvine
February 16, 2010
Last week at UC Irvine, a large group of extremist students repeatedly shouted down Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. You can watch a video of this debacle here.
When appeals to the values of liberal education, free speech, and even threats of...
Independent Bangladeshi Journalist’s House Broken Into, Police Do Nothing
February 10, 2010
<!–[endif]–>Late last month, the Dhaka home
of Bangladeshi journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury,
publisher and editor of that country’s largest weekly
newspaper, The Weekly Blitz, was broken into. Police in Dhaka...
Coast Guard Academy Law Prof. Proposes Hybrid Court for Dealing With Guantanamo Detainees
January 26, 2010
President Obama’s self-imposed January 20th deadline for the closing of the U.S. Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has come and gone. Although the President is taking heat from the left for this action (or lack thereof), it seems to...
Thank Yoo, Mr. Yoo!
January 13, 2010
John Yoo, former deputy assistant attorney general in the office of legal counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice during George W. Bush’s first term, sat down with me Tuesday evening prior to his talk before a Manhattan audience...
Sister of Human Rights Attorney Detained During Week That Iranian Mullahs Kill 12
December 31, 2009
During this week of uprising that left 12 pro-democracy protestors dead in Iran, the sister of Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, a human rights attorney and activist, was detained by the Iranian government because of her sister’s human...
Conservative Michael Moore Shines Light on U.N. Corruption
December 21, 2009
Ami Horowitz’s documentary “U.N. Me” screened at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam in November to rave reviews. Horowitz, who co-directed and co-produced the film, says he’s inspired by Moore...
Iranian Democracy Protestors Await Obama’s Action
December 13, 2009
In this week’s Wall Street Journal, columnist Amir Taheri reports that Iran’s pro-democracy movement is “deepening and growing.”
On Monday, thousands of Iranian students risked their lives and safety to protest the...