Sparkling Winter Galas For Good Causes
by Heather Robinson
From The New York Blueprint
Some offer discount codes for NYBlueprint readers
As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, it may be tempting to crawl under the covers after work and induge in Netflix binges (House of Cards, anyone?). But given that you live in a Mecca (or shall we say a Jerusalem?) of culture, and the talented people who come here (that includes you!) pay New York City rent for the privilege, why not take full advantage of social opportunities that abound? While the weather outside is frightful, inside it’s so delightful–especially at these upcoming fall/winter galas. The good causes these parties and dinners support will provide you with ample fodder for scintillating conversation over cocktails!
Cherub Improv Gala
Tuesday November 11
7 – 10 pm
Tribeca Cinemas & The Varick Room
54 Varick Street at Laight Street, one block south of Canal Street
Over the past seven years this nonprofit has provided free improvisational comedy shows and workshops to underserved communities including senior citizens, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people living with cancer. Led by Jonathan Goldberg, attorney-by-day and improvisional comedy leader by night, the organization’s goal in 2015-2016 is to raise funds to bring more laughs to more people, including those who don’t necessarily get many visitors. At this year’s gala, Cherub’s volunteer actors, or “cherubs,” will do improv comedy sketches, taking suggestions from the audience. Selected senior citizens from Kittay House, one of the residences where “cherubs” regularly visit, will perform. Gala attendees will enjoy passed hors d’oeurves and food stations will offer gourmet salads, sliders, an array of pastas, and unlimited wine and beer. Goldberg expects 150 people, including a good number of singles. Cherub will raffle the just-released Kindle Voyage e-reader (at present sold out for weeks). Decor will be lavender and white, and glow sticks provided to all guests. Halos and angel wings welcome!
Individual tickets are $125 and sponsorships are available for $300 and up. Special Blueprint discount: Check ‘other amount’ when you register and pay $101.00 for a specially discounted “Blueprint ticket.”
Dror for the Wounded Annual Gala
Wednesday November 12
7 – 10pm
The Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place
The Dror for the Wounded Foundation helps severely wounded Israeli soldiers and provides these brave individuals with financial assistance for medical and psychological treatments, education and training, small construction projects, and advocacy. This gala, which will include a cocktail hour, a sit down dinner, and a dessert reception, will raise money specifically for soldiers wounded in last summer’s Operation Protective Edge. Comedian Joel Chasnoff will do standup and talk about his book “188th Crybaby Brigade” about his year as a combat soldier in the IDF. Dietary laws will be strictly observed. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities: Type in NYBLUEPRINT for $25 off a single ticket!
CAMERA Young Leadership Shabbat dinner
Friday November 14
West Side Institutional Synagogue
120 West 76th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus
Jamie Weinstein, senior editor at The Daily Caller, will deliver a talk called “Gaffing Up Gaza: How the Media Failed in its Israel-Hamas War Coverage” at this dinner featuring catered Mediterranean cuisine. Many singles are expected to attend “this topical evening, which will be highly relevant to current affairs and CAMERA’s mission,” according to a spokeswoman for the organization. A Boston-based nonprofit, CAMERA is dedicated to combating anti-Israel bias in the media. Of his planned talk, Weinstein gave Blueprint this preview: “The Israel Defense Forces and Hamas are not moral equals, as the media too often portrays … One is the military of a democratic government that cares very deeply about human rights, the other is a terrorist group founded on a charter that calls not only for the destruction of a sovereign state, but a genocide of Jews. They don’t hold close to the same moral standing and the fact that isn’t repeatedly noted in reporting is shameful.”
Weinstein added, “Israel is a country that holds many of the same values we hold here in the United States — and has many of the same enemies. For some inexplicable reason, it has become fashionable to bash Israel, but Israel is worth defending, faults and all, and I am glad I am in a position to do that in the media.”
For tickets:
Jew in the City’s 3rd Annual Orthodox Jewish All Stars Awards and Premiere Party
Tuesday December 2
7pm – 10:30pm
Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place at First Place
Organized by Allison Josephs of, a website dedicated to combating anti-Orthodox prejudice, this gala–now in its third year–awards ten prominent “cool, creative, successful Jews who are out and proud about their observance,” said Josephs. The evening begins at 7pm with a VIP pre-party for sponsors, press, and the awardees, who include four-time Emmy-award-winning Today Show Producer Yael Federbush and Estee Ackerman, 6th ranked table tennis champion and 2016 Olympic hopeful.
The main event at 8pm will be a Chanukah-themed dinner followed by an awards presentation at 9pm. Offerings will include latkes “fired up on the spot,” according to Josephs, who added, “We really want people to get into the spirit of Chanukah.”
“This will be a fabulous red carpet event,” said Josephs, who explained the gala’s theme as “Being proud in Jewish observance” even “as anti-Semitism around the world is on the rise. These are ten proud, observant Jews who are openly kosher. This is our response to anti-Semitic attacks: to be prouder and stand firmer.”
For tickets, sponsorship opportunities, and more information go to
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF)
Saturday December 6
8:30pm – 1:30 am
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street
The granddaddy of Jewishly-affiliated winter benefits in NYC, FIDF regularly packs the house with the glitziest benefit of the season. “It’s a glamorously dressed affair, with lots of food and lots of people to meet and mingle with,” said Alina Lukashevsky, a Manhattan dentist who has attended in the past. This year’s 12th annual gala will include 5 hours of open bar, live DJ and band, dancing, high end raffle prizes and casino games. So if you’re ready for a glittery event with a high rolling crowd, break out your Christian Louboutins and head for the Metropolitian Pavilion to support the brave soldiers of the IDF.
For tickets or sponsorship opportunities visit
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