Make Way Dr. Laura: Jennifer Ginsberg to Appear as Addiction Expert Tomorrow Eve on Extra
February 24, 2010
My brilliant and beautiful writing partner and friend Jennifer Ginsberg is scheduled to appear tomorrow (Wed. February 24) night on the TV show EXTRA as an addiction expert discussing Charlie Sheen.
In addition to being an author,...
O’Reilly Raises an Interesting Point Re: “Socialist” Obama
February 23, 2010
Tonight on the Factor, Bill O’Reilly put forward an interesting, sobering argument regarding the classification of President Obama as a socialist by some conservatives.
“When you have a country starting to...
As IAEA Acknowledges More ‘Undisclosed Activities’ in Iran re: Nukes, Alusi Seems to Have Been Prescient
February 19, 2010
Today it was reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) acknowledges “the existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.”...
Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren Shouted Down at UC Irvine
February 16, 2010
Last week at UC Irvine, a large group of extremist students repeatedly shouted down Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. You can watch a video of this debacle here.
When appeals to the values of liberal education, free speech, and even threats of...
Independent Bangladeshi Journalist’s House Broken Into, Police Do Nothing
February 10, 2010
<!–[endif]–>Late last month, the Dhaka home
of Bangladeshi journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury,
publisher and editor of that country’s largest weekly
newspaper, The Weekly Blitz, was broken into. Police in Dhaka...
Punxsutawney Phil Says No Global Warming
February 5, 2010
Granted, he’s no Ph.D. But then again, he calls ’em like he sees ’em and is not influenced by partisan politics or ego. Who knows what the future will bring, but with a severe snowstorm on its way to New York City...
The Legendary J.D. Salinger, Dead at 91, Did it His Way
January 28, 2010
Last week the author J.D. Salinger died at age 91. I hesitate to eulogize him for fear, as Salinger once told Elia Kazan when the latter asked for permission to produce a play version of Salinger’s masterpiece “The Catcher in the Rye,” that...
Coast Guard Academy Law Prof. Proposes Hybrid Court for Dealing With Guantanamo Detainees
January 26, 2010
President Obama’s self-imposed January 20th deadline for the closing of the U.S. Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has come and gone. Although the President is taking heat from the left for this action (or lack thereof), it seems to...
Thank Yoo, Mr. Yoo!
January 13, 2010
John Yoo, former deputy assistant attorney general in the office of legal counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice during George W. Bush’s first term, sat down with me Tuesday evening prior to his talk before a Manhattan audience...